
The pricing structure of white label email marketing

Pricing is key to the success of your agency. Get it right and not only will you attract clients, you’ll retain and even be able to upsell to them.

When it comes to setting prices for your email marketing service, you’ll need to consider a wide range of factors including competitor offerings, clients’ potential return on investment and the cost of offering the service.

But to be able to set the price that you think is right, you need to ensure three things…

1. Your clients have bought into the service

Despite email marketing proving itself to be worth its weight in gold to businesses, actually getting clients to sign up to a white label email marketing service can prove tricky.

You’d think the figures would speak for themselves: email marketing generates businesses more than £32 for every £1 spent on it.

But, according to Econsultancy, businesses are only prepared to give 10% of their digital marketing budget to the tactic.

It’s hard to put your finger on why exactly brands aren’t giving email marketing the time and money it deserves – but all you can do is talk about deliverability. With white label email marketing, your clients will be getting their branded, deftly-designed emails into subscriber inboxes.

If they want proof of how powerful that is, why not send them a sample report showing the sort of results they can expect with white label email marketing: open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate etc.

Perhaps compare what they can expect from white label email marketing with other tactics, such as social media marketing? After all, you’re asking them to take budget away from one area and place it into another.

2. Your email marketing platform makes life easy for you

To be able to price your email marketing service, you need to sync with a white label email platform that makes it easy for you to pass on your cost (and some).

You’ll struggle to price your service accurately if your white label email marketing software provider doesn’t a) make managing multiple client accounts simple and easy b) allow you to design responsive emails from scratch without having to know code and c) ensure invoicing is uncomplicated and without surprises.

Thankfully, Instiller ticks all three boxes (and more) by including every (that’s right, every single feature!) as standard. So, if you or your clients want to make the most of the engaging email templates on offer, they can, at no extra cost.

With Instiller, there’s no set-up fee, no hidden costs and no limit on the number of client accounts you can create. At the end of the month, we’ll just send you a single invoice based on the number of emails that have been sent through the platform, and you’re free to charge your clients whatever you like and they pay you directly.

3. Your clients have options

If you’re planning to resell your chosen white label email marketing platform as your own (why not when it will be branded as your own?), you have two options on how you go about it.

You could simply provide your clients with their own login – once they’ve been shown how to use the system – then allow them to use the solution as they see fit. That way, all you’re doing is literally reselling the platform and earning a nice bit of money from it every month.

The other option is to offer a fully-managed service in which clients pay you to design and deliver email campaigns on their behalf through the white label email platform, complete with the relevant reports.

The second of the two service options is clearly the more lucrative for your agency. It also provides you with the option of upselling to clients, as they grow more confident with what you can deliver for them.

The email marketing solution for agencies

The Instiller marketing platform for agencies provides a robust suite of tools to deliver a powerful campaign right out of the box.

Your clients will be up and running on day one, and will quickly and easily be able to create sophisticated, engaging email campaigns.

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