Send a Campaign

The most common option is to send an Email Template to one or more Lists.

There are also options for Split Testing and a way to save time when scheduling multiple Email Campaigns for delivery.

Before sending always check there are no warnings or errors being displayed on the Email Template screen.

For with help resolving issues take a look at the Email Campaign Checklist.

Sending to One or More Lists

  1. Click "Templates" in the sidebar then click on the Email Template to be sent.
  2. From the Email Template details screen click the "Send Campaign" button in the top right.
  3. Optionally, use the button menu to pre-select Standard, Split Test or Multiple Sends.
  4. In the "Lists" panel select the Lists to be used.
  5. Fill in the "Delivery Settings" details.
  6. Check the box and click "Confirm Delivery".

Users Selection

When scheduling Campaigns to be sent at a later time the way in which Users are selected from the associated Lists can be set as one of two options.

The first is 'Locked' which means the moment the 'Send' button is pressed the Users are selected from the Lists at that moment in time and the Campaign will only be sent to those email addresses.

The other option is 'Open' and this allows for changes to the List(s) and is very useful if you expect more people to be subscribed to the List before sending starts. Using this option, the Users are selected just before sending actually commences.


Global Suppressions and List level opt-outs are removed automatically. Totals displayed on the send screen reflect an approximation of the total number of opted-in Users.

Lists can be added as 'Exclusion' Lists on the send screen. When using this feature, all Users (regardless of opt-in preference) on the List will be suppressed from the Email Campaign.

The Campaign Report display Lists analysis with accurate totals for the number of Users selected from each List.

Intelligent Sending Mode

Intelligent Sending Mode utilises User engagement history in order to take a different approach to email delivery.

The primary objective of this feature is to reduce the number of bounced and filtered emails - which will naturally increase the potential for higher volumes of opens and clicks.

Sending to actively engaged Users first should generate healthy open and click rates shortly after emails hit the inbox.

Intelligent Sending Mode uses an automated three step process:

  1. First, send to the most actively engaged Users from the previous 18 months
  2. Pause delivery for 2 hours (customisable setting)
  3. Resume email delivery to all remaining Users

The delivery delay period in step 2 gets automatically overridden so that delivery resumes under the following conditions:

  • Delivery rate reaches 90%
  • Open rate reaches 20%
  • Click rate reaches 10%

Throttle Delivery Speed

Throttling is a useful method for warming up new sending domains and IP addresses as it reduces the number of emails the mail server sends each hour.

Emails are queued for delivery in smaller batches to even out delivery flow and the number of recipients included in each batch varies based on total number of recipients and the selected delivery speed. For example...

  • 5,000 Users throttled to 1,000 per hour results in ~17 emails queued every 1 minute.
  • 1 million Users throttled to 100,000 per hour results in ~1,667 emails queued every minute.

Email delivery speed only applies when the total number of recipients is more than 1,000.

This feature does not determine the actual time emails get delivered. It simply controls the flow of how emails are scheduled for delivery within mail queues.

Delivery Windows

Delivery Windows are a useful tool to ensure your email lands in the recipients mailbox during office hours.

Emails are queued for delivery in batches which are sent to the outbound mail servers periodically to even out flow of email. The actual time the email is delivered can depend on may factors such as email volume, domain reputation and the speed at which the destination mail server will accept email.

When delivery Windows are enabled mail will be stored on the outbound mail servers and delivery will only be attempted at set times.

Delivery Windows will control:

  • The days and times email will be added to the outbound mail servers.
  • The days and times outbound mail servers will attempt delivery.

Automated Retargeting

Sending a Campaign can be used as a source of automation to create follow-ups based on how recipients do or do not engage with emails.

Common examples of what automated retargeting could be used for are...

  • Resend the original Campaign to anyone that didn't open the email
  • Targeting recipients that clicked on a specific link
  • Send a follow-up to recipients that opened but did not click
  • Trigger a Workflow to create more dynamic and decision based follow-up actions

Options displayed in the header section of the Delivery Settings panel on the send screen. Campaign Automated Retargeting

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