Cancel a Campaign

Stop a Campaign from sending any further emails out to your Users. This process can take some time depending on how many related email messages have already been queued on the mail servers.

Stopping Campaign Delivery

Once a Campaign is cancelled or delivery is stopped, the action cannot be undone.

  1. Click "Campaigns" in the sidebar then click on the Campaign you'd like to cancel.
  2. Click the "Stop Email Delivery" button in the top right.
  3. Enter the Campaign ID and confirm by selecting "Cancel Campaign".
  4. You will now be redirected back to the Campaign Report displaying a new panel displaying the steps taken.
  5. On completion of the final process your Campaign will be cancelled.

Common Questions

Can I cancel a queued Campaign?

Yes, you can cancel any Campaigns that have not yet started delivery by clicking on the item in the Campaigns feature section and selecting the 'Cancel Campaign' option.

What's the difference between "Cancel" and "Stop"?

The result is the same but "Cancel" relates to Campaigns where delivery has not yet started and "Stop" relates to deliveries that are in process.

Stopping a delivery takes a while and some emails will still be delivered. The mail servers try to halt all attempts as soon as possible but cannot do anything to stop communication that was already in process prior to the request to stop.

Will this effect the metrics within Campaign Reports?

Yes, as Email Campaigns are stopped as quickly as possible statistics may not be accurate and in some instances incorrect.

Can broken links in emails be fixed?

Yes, go to the Campaign report and then the 'Click Map' page. Hover over the link you want to update and click the edit icon. Because of the way in which clicks are recorded using the tracking domain it means updates have an instant effect for all Users.

Can I recall emails that have already been sent?

This isn't possible as once an email has been delivered to a person's inbox there's no way of pulling it back. Recalling emails is a feature of some corporate mail systems such as Microsoft Exchange but emails sent through an ESP don't operate in the same way.

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