
How to write better marketing emails

Marketing emails have become increasingly important for businesses in the digital age. With more and more customers engaging with companies online, having an effective email strategy is essential to ensure your business’ success. This blog post will provide helpful tips on how to write better marketing emails that are informative, actionable and persuasive – key elements of any company’s communication strategy.

It’s essential to craft a compelling message that grabs the attention of potential customers while also conveying important information quickly and efficiently. Creating a compelling subject line is necessary to get people to open your email, and once opened, your email needs to stand out from the rest with an engaging introduction. To ensure your message gets read:

  • Keep it short but informative and use visuals or strong visuals best practices like accessible fonts and minimal text.
  • Ensure you target the right customers by utilising segmentation and personalising messages for each customer.
  • Include key calls to action in each email that guide recipients toward the desired action.

What is the difference between marketing emails and sales emails?

Marketing emails typically focus on providing interesting content, building relationships with customers, or informing them about the news without pressuring them to purchase a product or service. On the other hand, direct sales emails use a persuasive writing style to make the customer take immediate action and ultimately buy something. In addition, effective sales emails provide specific details related to the product or service being offered and attractive incentives that would make the potential customer interested in purchasing. 

Perfect your subject line

Take time to come up with effective, attention-grabbing phrases that make your recipient think twice before hitting delete. Try thinking of 10-15 variations of your subject line, and use keywords corresponding to the content within the email. Of course, short and sweet automatically is always best for subject lines, so stay brief and concise while ensuring you capture the essence of your message appropriately.

Don’t make these subject line mistakes

It’s essential to avoid certain mistakes regarding subject lines as they can lead email users to automatically delete your message without reading it. Common subject line mistakes include using all caps, punctuation marks (! or ?), and phrases like ‘urgent’ or ‘important’, as these are easily identified as spam. Additionally, refrain from using phrases like ‘click here’ or including lengthy URLs in your subject line, as these tend to look unprofessional and can lessen the likelihood of users opening your email. Finally, refrain from boring your audience. Knowing how to avoid boring email marketing campaigns will help ensure your message stands out and gets the attention it deserves. 

Tips for writing the perfect subject line

One of the most important aspects of writing effective marketing emails is crafting an eye-catching subject line. It is essential to stand out from the competition and grab the recipient’s attention with a short and direct sentence that will motivate them to open your email. Remember that most people are looking for personalised content nowadays, so avoid generic one-size-fits-all subject lines when possible. Instead, use dynamic words to spark curiosity, such as ‘discover’ or ‘reveal’, or include an emotive adjective like ‘incredible’, ‘amazing’ or ‘unmissable’.

Utilise your CTAs

Calls to action should be clear, concise, and persuasive; this will help the consumer understand what they need to do to complete a purchase. Calls to action should also be placed strategically throughout the email to avoid overwhelming readers with too many instructions. Additionally, you must ensure your calls to action are visually distinct from the rest of your email; this will make them easier for readers to spot and encourage them to take action.

Avoid spam filters

In the online sphere, spam filters can be triggered by several factors, including attached files, URLs in the copy, HTML design and images, to name a few. To render your message successful with regard to penetration through filters, it is best to keep headlines brief and catchy whilst avoiding keyword phrases used by spammers. Make sure you do not overuse capitalisation, stick to straightforward words, adopt an authoritative tone and steer clear of gimmicky language! It is helpful to thoroughly review all guides available on email marketing before proceeding to draft emails; this will give you a better understanding of what kind of content these filters would likely consider as “spam”.


A personalised approach will keep readers engaged and make them feel the message was specifically tailored to them. The way to approach this is by including the recipient’s name in the subject line or mentioning any past dealings with your company in the email body. Generating a targeted audience for each email will also enable you to tailor what you write more precisely; be aware of their needs, interests, age and gender when addressing them, as this will help you write more effective messages.

Take advantage of pre-headers

Pre-headers are an often overlooked feature of email marketing, but they can help optimise the success of your campaigns. They’re typically the first line of text a receiver will see in their inboxes, so if you use them to craft a call-to-action carefully, it encourages engagement and can make all the difference. Try to keep them short and sweet – no more than 90 characters – and ensure that the message still makes sense when cut off mid-way.

Sender name

When creating a marketing email, it is important to consider what name appears in the sender’s field. For example, your branch’s corporate or executive’s name may be suitable for mass emails, whilst your signature may do better when approaching individual customers. In addition, audiences are more likely to respond positively to an email sent from a real person than to an automated system.


As an essential part of email marketing, proofreading ensures your message and content come through clearly. However, it’s important to note that different audiences require different levels of formality, so your emails must be tailored accordingly, from the subject line to the body of the email itself. In addition, any typos or grammatical errors can be perceived as unprofessional, so double-checking for such mistakes is an excellent way to guarantee a successful outcome for your email campaign.

Avoid overcomplicating

When writing emails for businesses, it is essential to keep them concise and clear. Long, complex sentences or messages packed with jargon will only confuse the reader and detract from the key points you are trying to communicate. Instead, stick to plain English to convey your message succinctly and quickly. Break your email into short paragraphs to make it easier on the eyes – this way, you can capture attention quickly, improve readability, and help readers focus better on the content of your email.

At Instiller we provide email automation tools that are already trusted and utilised by countless major brands and smaller companies. If you are interested in learning more about our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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