
How do you write eye-catching announcement emails?

When it comes to your marketing campaign, awareness is absolutely everything. Even if you have a product which is a game-changer, it won’t have much of an impact if nobody knows anything about it. Every year, 30,000 new consumer products hit the market, but over 80% of them fail. Products tend to fail because companies concentrate more on the manufacturing process or the general design. As a result of this, they postpone the work that is associated with preparing the product for the market.

What are announcement emails?

Announcement emails remain to be the best way for you to ensure your email subscribers are aware of the changes your company is making. It doesn’t matter whether you are adding a new product, or whether you are making important changes to your brand because emails are a great tool if you want to keep people in the loop. 

Why are announcement emails important?

If you want to make the most out of your campaign, however, you need to ensure that you are crafting solid announcement emails. An announcement email is a message that a company sends to customers, informing them of any new updates or policy changes. They can also be used to inform people about upcoming events. If you have a home office store and you have chairs that are on sale for a very limited time, it may be that you send a promotional email to your customers, informing them of this.

How do you write an announcement email?

If you want to write an announcement email then you need to make sure that you have:

A clear subject line

First of all, you need to make sure that you are starting out with a clear subject line. If you have a good subject line then this helps to increase the chance of a recipient opening your email. It informs them of your email content, and it also grabs their attention.

A catchy intro

Next, you need to have a catchy introduction. Greet your recipient and say what your announcement is about. Ideally, you should be showing your recipients why the email is important to them. Think about the email and how it is going to affect your readers. You should also take the time to explain the general relevance of it. Rhetorical questions are ideal if you want to persuade your audience to keep on reading.

Solid content

Finally, make sure you’re writing solid content. It needs to be clear, concise and ultimately, catered to your audience. It should also explain your announcement properly.

Types of announcement emails

If you want to craft an announcement email then here are some of the top types that you should be looking at.

Product launch

If you work in the eCommerce sector you will probably be well acquainted with this email type. These emails are sent out to your subscribers and they announce the launch of your company’s product. This may seem rather self-explanatory but there are a lot of details you shouldn’t overlook. Ideally, you will want to create a sense of urgency, such as “stock running out quickly” or “limited stock available”. If you can let your subscribers feel some degree of exclusivity or loyalty, or if you can tell them that they are going to be able to access the product before anyone else then this will also work in your favour.

Software release

So many SaaS companies are joining the market, and it’s no surprise to see that your announcement email has to make a good impression in order for your users to get excited.  If you want to make the most out of your software release email then the first thing you need to do is showcase your brand identity. Make sure that your logo is larger than life, use great fonts and also adopt anything that is potentially eye-catching. You want your customer to recognise your company immediately.

New feature

If you have a product or software that is in circulation but you have invested time and energy into creating new features for it then this is the type of email you’ll want to adopt. Don’t overdo it here, and only send out emails that correspond to the features your customers will actually want to know about. Demonstrate how much value the feature is going to add to the software or product, and use casual language to show that the new feature solves a pain point. If you can do this, you can grab your customer’s attention with ease.

Pre-order or waitlist

When launching a new product, you need to try and create a sense of excitement or anticipation. One great way for you to do this would be for you to create a waitlist. This will give you the chance to gauge demand and it also gives you an idea of how many items you need to produce. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to collect email addresses, so keep that in mind.

New business change

Sometimes, you may well have a general announcement email that you have to send out so you can inform your supporters of a big change. It may be that you are starting up a new business and have to inform people or that you simply need to update your clients about a change in your legal agreement. Either way, some of the things you’ll need to include here is the change in the subject line. You also need to list how this change could affect the customer, and why they should know about it.

5 Tips for creating stunning announcement emails

If you want to create a stunning announcement, then you need to make sure that you follow the below tips.

  • Make sure the announcement is worth it
  • Create a great email format
  • Time your send-off
  • Write a great subject line

Make sure the announcement is worth it

Depending on your business, you may send out a lot of announcements via email. That being said, if you send out too many then your customers may feel overwhelmed. When deciding if you should send an email or not, ask yourself, is it time-sensitive? If not, you may be able to get away with posting it on your social media feed or on your website.  By being selective about the announcements you send, you can then ensure that your messages are well-received.

Create a good email format

Announcement emails remain to be the best way for you to share important information with your subscribers. If your email is not appealing however then you run the risk of turning people away before they have even had chance to read what you have to say. For this reason, it is so important that you work on your email presentation. Use images, infographics, font treatments and even colour to try and draw attention to the essential elements on your site.  It is also a good idea for you to be clear and concise with your messaging.

Time your send-off

The timing of your announcement is just as, if not more important than the content itself. If you send out your email too early then your recipients may not want to take action. If you wait too long then you may find they forget about it, and this is the last thing you need. One way for you to work around this would be for you to send your email when your recipients are most likely to engage with it. If you are announcing a new product, wait until you have a wait list that people can sign up with. If you are starting a sale, you’ll need to ensure that it arrives in time, so people can take advantage of your low prices.

Write a killer subject line

When writing an email, you have to make sure that you have a solid subject line. This is what your recipients are going to see first, so making sure that it is attention-grabbing and relevant is crucial. Second of all, a good subject line will improve your email-open rate. This means more people will see what it is you’re putting out there.

Building announcement emails with Instiller

If you want to craft announcement emails with Instiller then you will be glad to know that this is now easier than ever to do. We are proud to say that we are a 100% white-label email marketing provider, so you can set the branding to match that of your agency. You can also set colours for your clients. With a range of powerful features, simple pricing and unlimited accounts, it’s safe to say that your announcement emails will stand out from the crowd.


So creating eye-catching emails doesn’t have to be difficult, and if you follow this guide, you’ll soon find that it is easier than ever to create the marketing material you need. As a general rule, announcement emails should be quick to the point, easy to understand and with a solid CTA. If you can meet these requirements, along with the above points then you should be able to get way more engagement out of the emails you send, while boosting the profit potential of your company.

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