Uploading Images

When images are uploaded with a Template they are automatically hosted in the cloud; for fast, reliable image delivery.

Check for any issues or missing images on the "Validation" page of the relevant Template.

Common Questions

Why should I let the service host my images?

Cloud image hosting is faster and more reliable than conventional web hosting. If your web host can't cope with the volume of people opening their emails at the same time it could result in recipients not seeing images in their email, potentially affecting User engagement.

What's the maximum image size I can use? There's no limit on the size or amount of images in an email. However, images are recommended to be less than 100Kb each. Emails with large images, or a lot of images, may run into deliverability issues and can be very slow to load for mobile email apps.

As a general rule, emails (including all assets) shouldn't exceed more than 1Mb in size.

My images are hosted on another server, can I switch to your hosting?

Yes. When editing an email Template that has remotely hosted images an option to import remote images should appear on the main Content page within the "HTML & Image Content" Panel.

Clicking the link will instruct the system to copy any images to the cloud that were identified as being hosted externally.

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