Segmenting Users

Targeting is an easy way to create User Segments based on data, opt-in preferences and Email Campaign delivery & response.

Segmentation is good for being able to focus Email Campaigns on specific Users and also helps increase response rates - opens, clicks, conversions etc.

Creating User Segments

Targeting rules analyse Campaign related activity from within the Data Retention Period only, whereas analysis of List preferences and User data covers an unlimited time period.

  1. Expand the "Lists & Users" section in the sidebar and click the "Targeting" link.
  2. Click "Create a User Segment".
  3. Fill in the Name.
  4. Add "Filter Rule Conditions" based on your requirements.
  5. Click "Count Users".
  6. Results will be generated to inform you of how many Users matching your search criteria have been found.
  7. Export as a List for use in Email Campaigns or take the data offline by Downloading a CSV File.

Suppression Rules

Users that are on the Global Suppression List are never included in the count result.

If any of your Email Profiles are using 'List level opt-outs' then please keep in mind that when Targeting Users there is the possibility of including Users that have previously opted out.

The 'Suppress List Opt-outs' option is intended to combat this scenario. With this option enabled, any User that is opted-out of ANY List will be suppressed from your count results.

The option can be disabled but it should be used with caution and only when you fully understand the implications and are confident that including List opt-outs will not lead to sending email to previously opted-out Users.

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