Workflow Triggers

A Workflow can be triggered using any one or more of the methods below.

There's no restriction on this and each Workflow report records the source of activity so you're able to measure the performance of each trigger method.

Rule-based Automation

Set simple matching rules that target Users and automatically trigger Workflows.

Audience Growth

Target all User records as they get created or focus on when people are opted-in to a specific List.

Example use-cases are onboarding sequences, autoresponders and lead nurturing campaigns.

DOB & Custom Field Dates

Target all Users where DOB is set or focus on a specific List.

Date-based triggers also allow set a specific time offset if you want the Workflow to start before or after the actual date.

Example use-cases are birthday emails, booking reminders and gathering customer feedback.

Custom Field Value Changes

Set simple matching rules on a Custom Field that target all Users or focus on a specific List.

Matching iS flexible and can be based on things like exact text values, partial text values, numbers, ranges, null values and more.


Email Link Click

Workflow triggers for links can be hooked up visually within the Email Designer or they can be coded when uploading custom HTML.

Form Submission

Forms can be linked to a Workflow that gets triggered when the User submits their details.

This provides an efficient method for capturing the User details, adding them to one or more Lists and delivering email over a period of time.

User Opt-out

The settings within Email Profiles determine what happens when a User clicks to opt-out of receiving emails.

Optionally set a Workflow to trigger when a User clicks opt-out. Typical uses for this type of trigger are either to clean-up email preferences for other Lists the Users is a member of or to send a confirmation of opt-out and to provide any other service related info.

Email Campaign Follow-ups

On the Campaign send setup screen there's an option for Automated Retargeting that can be used to automatically trigger a Workflow after a period of between 1 and 14 days.

Workflows can be triggered for all Users or just those that clicked. When Workflows are triggered data is passed to detail delivery and engagement info so that it can be used to influence the path the User takes through the Workflow.


Multiple Users

A Workflow can be launched for one or more Lists of Users simultaneously by using the 'Launch Workflow' button on the Automation dashboard or by picking the Launch option when creating a new automation.

When launching a Workflow a label can be entered as a reference and it can then be used to filter reports. By default, reports are filtered by date range.

Workflows can be launched from the Automation feature section in the UI.

If the Delivery Windows option is enabled Workflows will only be triggered during the days and times within the configured Delivery Windows. This option does not apply to emails sent by the workflows.

Individual Users

Workflows for individual Users will usually be triggered using one of the other methods but there is the ability to manually trigger from the User details screen.

First, locate the User by entering their email address in the search box on the Lists tab. On the User details screen that loads, click on the Automation page and then select the Workflow to trigger.

This option can be very useful when running live tests of new Workflows.



It's not possible to create or edit Workflows using the API but it can be used to trigger for individual Users or to launch Workflows to one or more Lists.

Automated triggers will also fire when DOB or Custom Fields are updated and there are matching rules set on those fields.

For more information on the available RESTful API requests for triggering and reporting click here.

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