Domain Authentication Guide

Domain authentication is the process of granting authority for the application to use a specified domain.

When domains have been successfully authenticated they can be used to customise the features of:

  • Sending Campaign & Workflow emails
  • Tracking clicks, opens and conversions
  • Customising Forms & Preference Centre URLs

Authenticate a Domain

Standard DNS propagation means that it may take 24-48 hours for domain authentication to successfully complete in some scenarios.

To skip the domain authentication process above, use the DNS records detailed below and enter them into the domain registrar control panel.

Once complete, go to an Email Profile and add the authenticated domain into the settings.

Sending Domains

It's advisable not to attempt to authenticate domains or sub-domains that are already being used for regular emails or website hosting. DNS records will conflict and result in not being able to send or receive regular email.

DNS Record Set-up

Custom sending domains can be authenticated at root level allowing for emails to be sent using something like <anything here>

If it's not possible to authenticate at root level because it's already being used for regular email then a sub-domain can be used e.g. <anything here> ( XXX can be any label of your choice.).

SPF authorises mail servers to deliver email using a specific list of IP addresses and is automatically implemented when using sub-domain level authentication.

Root Level Authentication

Host Type Required Value
@ MX
@ TXT v=spf1 -all
dkim1024._domainkey CNAME
_dmarc CNAME

Sub-domain Level Authentication

XXX below is any label of your choice e.g. 'mail'.

Host Type Required Value
dkim1024._domainkey.XXX CNAME
_dmarc.XXX CNAME

Tracking Domains

Complete the DNS set-up below by entering your preferred choice of label e.g. 'clicks'.

Host Type Required Value
clicks CNAME


SSL is enabled automatically for fully authenticated domains so that opens and clicks are recorded more securely using HTTPS e.g.

Fully authenticated domains can also be used to serve Forms, opt-out pages and view online versions of email.

Security settings to enable SSL are monitored continuously and renewed automatically every 90 days with any detected errors being displayed with the System Monitor feature.


HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) is method of forcing all web traffic for a domain onto HTTPS and therefore requires an SSL certificate to be in place.

Domains where HSTS is enabled are only compatible when full authentication has been validated for the Tracking Domain.

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