Realtime Block List

This feature is designed to filter out and reject requests made by specific email addresses or from email addresses hosted on specified domain names.

When a request from an email addresses is identified as being on the Realtime Block List it can result in any of the following actions taking place where relevant:

  • Email addresses being filtered during import
  • Exclusion from Email Campaigns
  • API requests being ignored
  • Omission from Targeting
  • Workflow triggers being rejected
  • Prohibited Form submissions

Realtime Block List management and reporting can be automated using these API Endpoints to search, import and export data.

Realtime Block List vs Global Suppression

The Realtime Block List inhibits any type of action from taking place for any email address or domain that is on the Realtime Block List whereas the Global Suppression List is designed only to stop Users from being sent Email Campaigns.

Domain Name Blocking

When domain names are added to the Realtime Block List it results in all current and future requests from email addresses hosted on matching domains being blocked.

An unlimited number of domain names can be added to the Realtime Block List either individually or by uploading a CSV file.

Email Address Blocking

Adding specific email addresses to the Realtime Block List is a useful method of suppressing Users that is handy when managing complaints from people that no longer wish to receive emails and demand to be excluded from all future Campaigns.

There are options available to automatically populate the Realtime Block List from bad mailbox detection, bad domain detection, Feedback Loop Complaints (FBL) and opt-out requests.

To configure automated feed options follow these steps:

  1. Expand the "Lists & Users" section in the sidebar
  2. Click on "Realtime Block List"
  3. Go to the email address page
  4. Click the gear icon on the header of the Source Tracking panel

Anonymised Suppression

Email addresses can be permanently suppressed and blocked through anonymisation.

Anonymisation is the process of turning data into a form which does not identify individuals and where identification is not likely to take place. This process allows a record to be kept in order to prevent email addresses from being recreated again in the future.

Queued Activity

Adding email addresses or domain names to the Realtime Block List will not exclude Users from queued Campaigns or Workflows that have not yet been sent. Users will only be excluded from future activity.

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