October 2021

Custom Logout Redirects

Wednesday 27th October 2021

You can now optionally set a URL that Client Login's will be redirected to after logging out of the application.

This feature can be paired with Single Sign-on to seamlessly integrate Email Marketing into your existing application.

Forms - Editable Email Addresses

A new 'Allow Edit' option has been added to the email address field in the Form Builder when pre-population is enabled. Switching this option on will allow users who follow personalised links to forms to update their email address.

When a user provides an address that doesn't already exist the user will have their address automatically updated. When the user provides an address of an existing user the existing user's record will be updated instead.

Incremental Updates & Bug Fixes

Updates always include many minor UI tweaks and bug fixes but they're largely unnoticeable so not included in the information here.