Campaign Metrics

Campaign Metrics are used to gauge the performance of your Email Campaign.


Total number of emails sent for delivery.


Number of emails the application is still attempting to send. It is possible for the mail server to continue to attempt sending emails for up to four days after the Email Campaign was sent.


Number of emails that were successfully delivered to recipients.

Hard Bounced

Number of hard bounced emails that occurred. See here for more information

Soft Bounced

Number of soft bounced emails that occurred. See here for more information


Number of hard and soft bounced emails combined.

Returned Mail

Number of messages received addressed to the FROM email address. This can be either automated responses such as undeliverable notifications, or it can be an asynchronous bounce (emails the mail server initially accepts, then later sends back).

Download the report to view the message subject of the mail that was returned.


Number of email opens recorded, shown as a percentage of delivered email.

How Opens are Determined

Mail servers do not provide feedback on whether a recipient opened an email or not, so to calculate the open rate the application places an invisible image file in each email. When a recipient opens an email this image is requested from the application's server - which is recorded as an email open.

  • Opens are determined using images, so if a recipient views an email with images turned off this will not be counted as an open.
  • Recipients opening text-only emails will not be recorded as opens as they cannot contain images.
  • A recorded Open does not necessarily mean the message is actually read by the recipient.
  • The Open rate can be distorted by the preview pane used by many desktop email apps, which loads the email's images (recording as an open) without the recipient actively choosing to open the email.

While Open rates should not be taken as an absolute figure it is an indication of the success of an Email Campaign, particularly when used as a relative measure against older Email Campaigns or in Split Tests.


Total number of unique recipients that clicked on link(s) in the email. If a single User clicks on multiple links within an email, it still only counts as 1 towards the total.

Clicks to Opens

The ratio of unique clicks to unique opens.

Not Clicked

The ratio of unique clicks as a percentage of unique opens. It provides a quick measure of how effective the calls to action were in relation to Users that opened and then clicked a link.

FBL Complaints

Number of recipients who marked the email as spam (note: not all ISPs feed back this information).

Viewed Online

Number of recipients who used the View Online link in the email.


Number of recipients who have been globally opted-out, as attempting to deliver to them has resulted in a response that indicates the email address is no longer reachable. See here for more information


Number of recipients who chose to opt-out/unsubscribe.

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