

NiftyImages is a third party service that makes it easy to create personalised images and countdown timers for use within an email template.

There’s support for all of the standard merge tags, which can be added when creating the content within the NiftyImages control panel.

NiftyImages - Create personalised images and countdown timers for use within email


  • Updates every time a user re-opens your email
  • Select a Date, Time and Timezone when the countdown expires
  • 30+ Languages ready to use
  • Choose from 20+ fonts or upload your own
  • Edit the colour for each section of the timer
  • Optional expiration image to show when time runs out

Getting Started

Sign-up for an account with NiftyImages then follow their guide to creating personalised images. As part of that process you’ll be given a direct link to the image you have created and you can then use that within an Email Template.

Using the drag & drop editor if you click on an image (or image placeholder) and then in the sidebar set the source to be ‘Hosted or Dynamic Image’ you can enter the NiftyImage URL directly.

To use a NiftyImage in coded Templates simply add the URL to the source attribute of an image tag and upload as normal.

Got any questions?

Connecting apps to Instiller is really easy to do but if you have any questions about this one or any other integration then just let us know.

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