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Browse Help Topics

Account Dashboard

The main dashboard which also provides access to all features, recent activity & detailed account reports.

Lists & Users

Upload CSV files containing email addresses & data to neatly organise Users into Lists.


Drag & drop editing for landing pages, embedded forms, popups and alert bars.

Email Templates

Creating & editing Templates plus more info on how to add personalisation and other dynamic elements.

Campaign Sending & Reporting

How to customise sending options and detailed explanations of all related metrics and analysis.


Design custom User journeys for nurturing calls-to-action such as checkout & booking confirmations.

System Monitor

Monitoring of all authenticated domains and IP addresses plus Email Performance Ratings.

Account Settings

Manage account settings & features, branding and provide permission based access for colleagues.

API Integration

Integrating with the RESTful API, allowing developers to connect with external applications or websites.