
7 reasons email marketing still works

There’s been a lot of buzz around the marketing world in the last few years about how email will be overtaken by other forms of media or communication.

We have to agree to disagree – even to this day, email marketing is still going from strength to strength and is still the ideal way for agencies to market their clients.

Here are just a few reasons why email marketing is still the best form of marketing for your clients.

1. It’s a visual medium

It’s difficult to get your message across in a small space, constrained by external requirements. With email marketing, you can utilise your full creative capabilities – from complex coding through to stunning design work.

Impress your clients with something unique, that will stick in their minds far longer than a passing advert. Adding lasting, impactful branding – from a full-colour scheme through to tailor-made content – is easy.

One of the most important roles of marketing is to create associations between a product and its branding. Email marketing is a great way to get this association to stick, especially with multiple similarly themed campaigns.

With attractive wireframe templates easily available, and custom designs just a few clicks away, visually stunning designs and memorable branding exercises are a given.

2. It sticks around, unlike other mediums

How many people do you know with a cluttered inbox? When it comes to email marketing, there’s far less chance that your carefully-designed work will be gone in the blink of an eye, or scrolled past and forgotten.

The semi-permanence of email means there’s always something to refer back to, which is particularly valuable when a decision process is required for the product or service being marketed.

This also greatly improves the longevity and memorability of campaigns, with your marketing being accessed for a longer window of time than anything instantaneous.

Tracking multiple actions and behaviours also makes email marketing the ideal tool for use in an automation workflow, delivering new, personalised information straight to your customers’ virtual doorstep.

3. It’s easy to use, and simple to work with

Email marketing platforms, such as the ones we develop here at Instiller, take the difficulty out of marketing – leaving you time to work on exposure and strategy that can improve your marketing even further, in the time it would take to produce other forms of communication.

With powerful segmentation tools, seamless integration and drag-and-drop production at your disposal, there’s more free time to work on what needs to be worked on, whilst the results of your email campaigns are pouring in.

Tracking is also a simple exercise, meaning you can provide clients with information as and when they need it, and see what is working or not working very quickly, and adapt.

4. Cross-platform compatibility means more opportunities

Emails are incredibly easy to access across a multitude of platforms and technologies, from smartphones through to office computers. With email marketing, there are so many opportunities to reach out to people on a daily basis, whether they’re desk based, working on site or at home with their families.

With smartphone technology so prevalent in so many aspects of work and home life, there’s so much more of a chance that the notification of the email your client just sent will be noticed, encouraging them to learn more about the service or product.

5. It’s a less invasive approach

Though social media marketing has had a massive surge over the last few years, social media is designed for precisely what it says – being sociable with friends, family, colleagues and whoever else you may want to connect to.

For some B2C markets, social media marketing may be the right approach, where purchases are a singular choice – but individual people just aren’t as interested in their business needs being advertised to them in their spare time.

Of course, the ‘unsubscribe’ button is always a contentious part of email marketing – but offering customers a choice to ‘opt out’ of your advertising is best practice and simple to do with the correct management of contact lists. With other digital advertising, it’s not so simple.

6. It targets professionals

As the primary source of communication in businesses around the world, emails are undoubtedly a professional tool, used in offices and workplaces for a variety of purposes, from internal affairs to communicating directly with customers or end users.

By utilising this professionalism, you can connect to the correct people, at the correct time – with the correct tone. This can make all the difference to clients in a B2B environment where customer relationships can make all the difference to their success.

It doesn’t hurt that email marketing can be designed with a more personable feel as well; it’s easy to address a person directly, rather than providing a generic marketing strapline and offers the opportunity to sign off with the voice of a real person; rather than a faceless brand.

7. It’s used around the globe

For agencies looking to expand their reach across borders, email is one of the only visual communication methods that’s actively used worldwide.

For campaigns that transcend borders, email marketing is the ideal solution, and with the customisability of content within email templates, it’s easy to make small adaptions to suit specific audiences or provide a similar message with just a small amount of translation.

If your clients are looking to move into developing countries or looking to increase their reach in certain locations, email marketing is the ideal way to reach out and provide more information about the unique services your client can provide, whilst gathering information on local behaviours and research into what works without investing in large campaigns.

Want to know more?

These are just seven reasons why you’d want to choose email marketing for your future campaigns – we’re sure we could think of dozens more!

To find out more about pricing and to find out how Instiller can benefit your agency, all you need to do is get in contact with us and we’ll get you set you up with a free unlimited 14 day trial.

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